Venus Loci

May 9, 2010: Tassles & Tomatoes!

It’s been well over a month since my SXSW post.  It would be natural of you to assume that my disappearance was because I was spending my time recovering from that experience – resting, sobering up, reading, running… but alas, that hasn’t been the case.

This weekend was the first in two solid months that hasn’t seen me traveling or hosting out-of-town guests.  Two months!  But I’m not complaining.  It has been an absolutely wonderful two months and I wouldn’t change a second of it if I had the chance.  I’ve had family visit, have traveled to Houston & San Antonio & Galveston & Lake Texana.  I’ve been putting in some overtime at the office, have seen some awesome shows (White Rabbits!), and have been plotting to train for the Philadelphia Marathon & a duathlon sometime before the marathon.  It’s been an amazingly busy, productive & rewarding spring.  Life couldn’t be better.

While my busy schedule kept me in constant motion & with a perma-grin on my face, my garden and house became the victims of unintentional neglect.  I spent some time caring for both of them, but not nearly enough.  This weekend I finally had the opportunity to reacquaint myself with what’s been happening in the garden, as well as get some new things going in it.  The biggest accomplishment was setting up drip irrigation in both beds.

Below are some photos of the garden as of today – more photos of this year’s garden progress are on my flickr page if you’d like to check them out!

The Better Boy tomato plant has set the biggest fruit thus far... yum!

The BHN-444's are most productive, but only cherry-tomato sized... not sure what's up with that. Any thoughts from my fellow gardeners?

First major pest problem of 2010: potato beetles destroying my potato foliage. 😦

The tops on most of my onions have already fallen, but several giants are still growing & now flowering! Can't wait to see the bulbs waiting for me under these huge greens!

zuchinnis! I hope these don't turn out to be a disappointment like last year's crop...

Tassles starting to emerge on the corn, woohoo!!

The payoff: fresh onions, potatoes & garlic. Nom nom nom!